It’s Still Novel

No – not like a novel, like a novelty. What? Being published.Almost exactly two years ago, I had two of my own novels in hand, both in their finished – but raw – form. Okay, not technically in hand, on computer is more like it. I told myself...

The More Things Change

I’ve been writing since I was a wee lass. No, really. My mother let me dictate my first story to her when I was about six. Once it was all typed, it was maybe a page long. It had all the elements of a great story – lovable main character, conflict, and...

Taking it more seriously

It’s been…many many days since I created this blog and posted to it. I’ve lost all five or six of my followers. Well, not true. I have a very loyal friend who still pokes me occasinally.But I’m back, and not because of arm twisting this time....