I have two friends who own their own businesses. They’re very dedicated to making these ventures work, and they balance that with full time (or more than full time) jobs. I talk to them, and when I hear how much vigor they put into these opportunities, how much time they spend on them, my jaw drops.

“I was up until 3 am…”
“I worked 100 hours last week…”

I shake my head and tell them “that can’t be healthy”. How has that kind of enthusiasm and vigor for something like…working?

And the reply is always along the lines of ‘but the payout makes it worth it…’

And then when I’m up at 5 on a Saturday morning — even though I didn’t go to bed until 1:20 — because Saturday mornings are my #1 best time to get some intensive and quiet writing time in, I don’t question my own sanity for a moment.

But I can almost guarantee you that they’re looking at me (or they would be if they knew), thinking “who puts in that kind of effort for something like…writing? She doesn’t even know if she’s ever going to make any money at it.”

But that’s what drives me. It’s what motivates me and fills me with vigor and makes those three cups of coffee that much more lovely first thing. I define success a little differently than my entreprunerial (sp?) friends.

So, what fills you with the vigor and drive to succeed?

During the entire month of April, I’m participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The alphabet will be my motivation, though the content of the posts will be very similar to what regular readers are used to. Check out the link for more amazing bloggers, and enjoy April!