Thanks for stopping by to visit during the Summer Seduction Blog Hop. Every day for 8 days I’ll be posting another snippet of a single scene from my upcoming release Toeing the Line. Warning: Some of these blurbs are NSFW and explicitly sexy. Click Here To start from the beginning of the scene.

There are two giveaways below. The top one for my blog, and the second one for the entire hop – don’t forget to enter both, as well as visiting all the other participants for more summer seduction and chances to win.

Toeing the Line Teaser Part 7
Riley fell to her knees, placing her face in front of Zane’s. “My turn.”

The husky tone of her voice made his cock pulse harder. She made quick work of his belt, fingers brushing his bare waist as she undid the button on his jeans. “That really was amazing.” Her breath brushed his stomach, her mouth not touching him yet.

She pulled down his zipper, and he whimpered at the release in pressure. He groaned loudly at the skin-on-skin contact of her soft fingers wrapping around his shaft and working it free from his boxer briefs.

She stroked the skin slowly. “You’re big. You never thought to mention that?”

The compliment might have warmed him at any other time, but just then, it was the last thing on his mind. “Show, not tell, right?”

She laughed and dropped her head, lips hovering less than an inch from his cock. He watched the deliberate, sensual movements, his pulse screaming in response. Her breath was hot against his skin. “You don’t mind,”—she moved her lips up his length, still not making contact. Her free hand slid down her own chest—“if I feel us both up, do you? I wouldn’t ask, but that thing you did with your tongue…” She looked up at him, her lip caught between her bottom teeth. “Just the thought of sucking you off…I’m still hot.”

He licked his lips, his mouth suddenly dry. “Please do.”

His eyes stayed locked on her as her tongue glided out and ran over his skin. He growled when she dropped her hand to between her legs at the same time she took him in her mouth, her groan vibrating through his skin. He almost came just from that, but she moved slowly, keeping the tension high and him right at the edge as she sucked.

Now Available!

Zane’s time as Air Force intelligence has taught him a thing or two about keeping secrets. But when his best friend, Riley, finds out what kind of secrets he’s kept from her, their “Friends With Benefits” relationship won’t be what threatens their growing feelings for each other.

Riley tends to fall hard and fast for the guys she dates, and it never ends with the wedding bells she expects. Tired of the heartbreak and unsure if she even knows what love is, she swears off unreliable things like dating and trying to find that elusive happily-ever-after spark. Focusing on her art seems like the perfect distraction, except she’s missing the physical side of being half a couple. Fortunately, her best friend, Zane, is happy to model for her drawings and pin her down in the bedroom, with no expectations. Just fun.

Zane’s granddad raised him with the belief that people who bring joy to the world should be protected at all costs. For Zane, his best friend Riley is one of those people, and he definitely doesn’t mind when making her happy involves helping her pursue her creative dream and some sport sex with a hint of kink. They can have fun, and he can keep her from falling for the next idiot who comes along while she searches for her Prince Charming.

Regardless of her resolution, as things heat up between them Riley finds herself falling again. She needs to decide if she’s in love with the idea of being in love, or if—despite Zane’s insistence that she deserves someone better—what she feels for him is the real thing. If she can’t learn to trust her heart and convince Zane he’s exactly what she needs, it will obliterate a lifelong friendship.

Click here to read Chapter 1 for free now.

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