Guest Post: Who Can I Trust?

Yeah, I’m still revising. Sorry for being a broken record. I’ve come to a significant character arc in the story, and staying in this character’s head isn’t easy. She’s more different from me than most any of my others, mostly because she...

Guest Post: When Apathy Isn’t Really

I have an idea in my head, I know I do. The problem is, I don’t know which one it is. Okay, so I have several ideas in my head, and this crawling desire to focus on one, but none of them is dominant right now. In an attempt to get some actual writing done,...

Z is for Zach

I wanted to wake up early and make this very last A-Z post first thing in the morning. I did get the waking up early part down, but life got distracting and I haven’t been able to get back to this until now. With any luck, I’ll be able to finish it before...

G is for Guest Post

Hello to all my amazing new followers, and the original guard as well *waves*. A brief recap, if you’re curious. I’m participating in the A-Z challenge this month, where each day of the month (except Sundays), my theme starts with the next consecutive...