During the entire month of April, I’m participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The alphabet will be my motivation, though the content of the posts will be very similar to what regular readers are used to. Check out the link for more amazing bloggers, and enjoy April!

This will be a short post today. Occasionally, I have moments where I remember why I push through the grief. Why I persist, despite the desire to procrastinate, and when I refuse to give in to the pessimism.

Because some things are worth persisting for. I believe the old adage is “Nothing worth having is easy.” I don’t know if that’s completely true, but just because something is difficult to achieve doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing.

So this is a cheerleading call to all those of you who are persisting and pushing for your dream. Even though everyone’s journey is as unique as the individual, we can still be there for each other. And we are here for each other. We’re cheering you on, telling you to keep pushing and that the persistence will pay off.

No one can say what results will come from our individual efforts, but one can say your odds are significantly better if you persist rather than letting pessimism conquer all and drive you into the planet.

What are you pushing and persisting through right now? Share and know that we’re all cheering you on, because we know you can do it ^_^