During the entire month of May I’m hosting a reverse blog tour. Rather than send y’all to other people’s blogs to read about me, which you already do if you’re a regular here, I’m introducing you to some amazing and talented authors from all walks of life and genres.

Today I’m fortunate to be hosting the witty, talented, and multi-genre-faceted Rosanna Leo. Rosanna writes both smokin’ hot paranormal romance, and contemporary romance. She covers so many facets of steaminess, from Greek Gods to bear shifters to modern day hotties. And she’s going to talk to day about menage. But rather than give her a weak blurb, I’m going to let her take over the show now.


Huge thanks to Allyson for hosting me today. I’m so happy to be here.

My latest paranormal romance Predator’s Kiss just launched May 20 and I couldn’t be more pleased. However, I’m here to share a little author secret with you. Writers don’t always travel a smooth road when formulating ideas…and sometimes characters fight back.

Predator’s Kiss began life as a much different animal. About a year or two ago, I decided I wanted to take a stab at ménage (in my writing, not in real life- don’t want to give hubby a coronary!)  My publisher Liquid Silver Books put out a submission call for stories based on fairy tales. I was captivated by the idea, but didn’t want to do the old Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast thing. I decided on the tale of Snow White and Rose Red, two sisters who find an injured bear in the woods who ends up being a prince. I thought this could be the basis of something quite steamy.

I plotted it out. The sisters in my book became two surly brothers who were as different as could be, estranged actually. Their mother’s death forces them into close proximity. In wanders a lady bear shifter and my hot ménage would start!

Only it didn’t start so well. I had good chemistry with the brothers and their quarrels, but when the woman entered, their problems were resolved a little too quickly. There wasn’t enough conflict anymore, not enough oomph. And it was as if my characters understood because they fought me every step of the way. At first I thought it was because I had based my short story on an existing story. It didn’t ring true enough for me. But the problems with the piece went deeper, and my publisher saw it.

After much deliberation, and a lot of heartache at axing my work, I began from scratch. I ditched the Snow White and Rose Red idea altogether, and gave up on the ménage. What I was left with was two quarrelling brothers and some sizzling conflict. I made them the bear shifters, instead of the woman, and set it in a Northern Ontario fishing resort. I made one of the brothers the hero, with the other being a subordinate character (his story comes next!)

All of a sudden, the words flew from my pen! The story came to life. It had energy, tension, great sex and all the elements of a fun romance.

I learned a lot while creating Predator’s Kiss, namely to listen to my instincts. I hadn’t been comfy with the first story from the start, and my writing suffered. Once I surrendered to my voice, everything clicked. If you are a new writer, I can’t stress this enough. Listen to your heart when writing. Submission calls may look interesting, but if they don’t truly speak to you, it’ll show in the results.

I hope you enjoy Predator’s Kiss. It was a hard-won struggle to bring it to life, but I am so proud of the results….And did I mention the hot bear shifters? 😉

And I can personally vouch that the bear shifters are HOT! Any questions for Rosanna? Ask away.

And now you’re asking “What’s Predator’s Kiss About?” Fantastic question!

Bear shifter Ryland Snow just wants peace. The peace and quiet afforded him at his woodsy retreat, the Ursa Fishing Lodge. As owner of the lodge, Ryland enjoys the tranquil life he’s created among his fellow shifters. He lives to maintain a safe haven for them, away from meddlesome human eyes.

When his rock star brother arrives, bringing trouble in the form of a possible hitman, Ryland is incensed. He’s been cleaning up Soren’s messes as long as he can remember, and is tired of his brother’s lecherous exploits.

Things go from bad to worse when Lia Goodblood stumbles upon Ryland and his lodge. Yes, the reclusive erotica author is easy on the eyes, but the human woman is more trouble than she’s worth. To say nothing of her bizarre fear of furry creatures.

Ryland determines to rid himself of her presence. But when he learns she’s on the run from a crazed fan, Ryland’s protective bear instincts flare. And the bear won’t be denied.

Sounds incredible, right? Well to tease you just a little more, here’s an excerpt

She was already reviving a few minutes later. Ryland let out a sigh of relief.

Thank God. When he’d first seen the petite woman hurtling through the trees, he’d worried someone was after her. But no one else had barreled behind her. And yet she’d seemed so scared.

They hadn’t helped, presenting her with a couple of snarling bears.

She moaned a little, and the soft sound warmed him, making him hard again. Damn. He glanced around the room, remembered he didn’t exactly tend to stash clothes in guest cabins, and raced for the bathroom. He grabbed a couple of clean towels off the rack and tossed one to Soren. “Cover yourself.”

Soren grinned like a devil and motioned to his nude bottom half. “I can conduct my flirting business

much more efficiently this way.”

Ryland glared as he wrapped his lower half in the towel. “Cover yourself or I’ll strangle you with it, lover


His brother placed the woman’s backpack on the floor and threw the towel about his waist. “Such animosity is really not in keeping with your sainthood, Brother Ryland.”

Ryland ignored him and turned back to the woman. He didn’t know why it mattered so much she recover and feel comfortable in his presence, but it did. Of course, as owner of the lodge, it made sense he didn’t want to see anyone scared or hurt.

Yeah. That’s it. That’s all.

His rationalization did nothing to quell the nervous tremors in his gut, though. Or his excruciating hard-on.

Okay, she’s sorta pretty and has a body made for sin. So what? Get over yourself.

Clearly  it had been too long since he’d allowed himself to get lost in a woman’s body for more than a quick fuck. And this woman’s body deserved slow, leisurely loving. Greedy licks. Sensual tugs. Why, her breasts alone were so full and perfect, they just begged one to suck. To say nothing of those rounded hips and soft, womanly ass.

Ryland ran a hand over his face, feeling overly hot. Jesus Christ. Stop thinking like a horny teenager. You sound like Carter.

Besides, she was nothing like him. Human. And if time had taught him anything, it was the pursuit of romance with a nonshifter was a fool’s errand. She didn’t belong here on his resort, on his island. He needed to revive her and get her out of there.

Desperate to relieve the sudden, raging desire shooting up through his body, Ryland forced himself to look away from the woman. In doing so, he caught a glimpse of his brother. Soren was sitting next to her, his gaze contemplative, his eyes trained on her boobs. Ryland realized he didn’t like the way baby brother was looking at her. “Hey.”

Soren looked up. “What?”

“What are you staring at?”

Without batting an eye, Soren turned back to their unexpected guest. “Her. Can’t I stare?”

Ryland’s eyebrows shot up. “Staring at women has already gotten you into trouble. Maybe you should find a new hobby.” He stifled the low growl building in his throat. Now wasn’t the time for brawling, but he didn’t appreciate the way his brother gawked. His cool eye, appraising, as if he’d never seen anything like her before.

“You were checking her out too,” Soren replied.

“No, I wasn’t. I’m not interested in this … person,” Ryland retorted. As he uttered the words, he bit his tongue hard by mistake, as if confirming the words were a lie. “Damn,” he whispered, tasting blood.

“Do you think someone was chasing her?” Soren asked in a pensive tone, picking up one of his drumsticks and stroking it as if it were a lover’s finger.

“I don’t know.” Ryland sat on the other side of her small body and looked her up and down as she lay under the covers. Despite his mistrust of humans, he couldn’t help wondering who would frighten such a tiny, delicate thing. Had someone tried to hurt her? The very idea made him want to bash his head against the wall. Or better yet, bash any lowlife who dared to touch her.

No one touches her but me, his heart declared.


As another stress headache shot through his brain, he wondered at the ferocity and lunacy of the feeling.

Predator’s Kiss is available at www.lsbooks.com and all ebooksellers.

And just who is Rosanna Leo?

Rosanna Leo is a multi-published, erotic romance author with Liquid Silver Books. Her books include For the Love of a God, Up In Flames, Sweet Hell, The Selkie, Sunburn and her newest Predator’s Kiss. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair.