The giveaway is closed as of Monday night, thank you so much to everyone who stopped by!

Today I’m participating in the Hot Summer Romance Giveaway Hop. I’m thrilled to be sharing the day with so many talented authors, and I know if you’re not familiar with them all yet, you’ll want to be. That bit’s really easy to do because the links to all participants are at the bottom of this post.

If that’s not enough hot & sexy for you, each of us is hosting a giveaway (I’m giving away books, and a gift card), and there’s are two Grand Prizes.

  1. A Kindle Fire
  2. A $50 Amazon gift card

Details on how to enter are at the bottom of my post ^_^

I’m sharing something new. I have a snippet from my upcoming release Toeing the Line. This is the next book in the Bits & Bytes series, and it will be out on August 19.

Zane held the cue up in frustration. “Are you going to show me how to do this right or not?”

Riley let out a mock sigh. “Fine.” Moving next to him again, she positioned his left hand properly. She rested her right arm against his, chest leaning against his back. She pressed her cheek against his bicep, helping him line up the cue. “I’d go on about angle and force and all that, but for me, it’s just instinct and relaxing.” She pulled his arm back and helped him take the shot.

The balls scattered again, three more sliding into pockets. He had no idea what he’d just done. All he knew was how incredible she felt pressed against him. He dropped the cue but didn’t pull away. “You’ve gotten better.”

“I still tool around with it occasionally.” Her hand lingered on his.

He stepped back, and she slid into the empty space, sandwiching herself between him and the table. Her blue eyes searched his face.

He should move. Put some distance between them. Her heat held him close.

“Is this okay?” Her question was soft in the din of the bar. Her hands slid up his arms, teasing him through the long sleeves of his shirt.

Was it? The pulse below his waist was screaming “yes,” but the few faint snatches of reason left in his brain reminded him not to go down that path with Riley. She deserved better.

“Because,”—she shifted her weight when he didn’t answer, her entire frame rubbing against him—“I was thinking about our conversation the other day.”

The day where he’d insulted her to the point where she hadn’t talked to him for several after? Why hadn’t he pulled away yet? Right. Sexy woman holding him captive without trying. “Oh?”

She draped her arms around his neck, fingers interlocking in back. “Do you really think the cyber stuff was a mistake?”

He swallowed. How the hell was he supposed to answer that? “I never said that.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “You implied it.”

He forced the gears in his brain to unstick, to push past her soft scent, her gentle curves, her palms against his skin. “Neither one of us wants to get attached. I figured dwelling on it was destructive to our friendship.”

The corner of her mouth pulled up in a mischievous smile. She trailed one hand down the chain around his neck, grasping his dog tags and tugging lightly. “I never said anything about getting attached.”

The same argument Jen had made, but somehow, instead, coming from the amazing creature in front of him. His thoughts stumbled, abandoning him. “I don’t … I mean…”

She pulled him even closer, lips hovering centimeters from his, the sharp tang of cherry obliterating reason. “Tell me you’re not interested, and I’ll never mention it again. No hurt feelings.”

Being able to run his hands over her body. Experiencing moans in person that had driven him wild over the phone. No strings with him meant less of a chance of her falling for the next doorknob that came along. He found his voice. “What about sex ruining friendship?”

She hesitated, but her confidence flooded back quickly. “I promise it’s just sex, and so do you. I trust you, so if you say it, I’ll believe you.”

Zane’s time in the Air Force doing electronic surveillance has taught him a thing or two about keeping secrets. But when his best friend, Riley, finds out what he’s kept from her, their “with benefits” relationship won’t be the thing that threatens their growing feelings for each other.

If you’d like to read about Riley’s identical twin, Kenzie, before Toeing the Line releases next month, make sure to check out Conflict of Interest.

Giveaway details
I’m giving away a $20 Amazon gift card and copy of Conflict of Interest. And because the prize is digital, my giveaway is open internationally. Entering is easy, all you have to do is leave a comment below (between now and Aug 22) and tell us which is sexier, corporate executives, or guys in uniform?

Commenting also automatically enters you to in the grand prize drawing, so make sure you toss your name in the hat and visit all the other blogs below for even more of the same!

Participating Hop Blogs