UPDATE (3/13/2013): The response for this has been tremendous, and we have an amazing line-up of authors (from romance to fantasy to contemporary YA) visiting in May. I still have a few days open the last week of May, as well as a handful of weekend days, so if you’d like to participate, there’s still time. Reply to the post below (with your email address) or just email me directly using the ‘contact me’ page.

Calling all authors!

I haven’t done a Friday post in a long time. At least not on a Friday. But I have an idea. An inspiration. And I want to run it by y’all, see who’s interested.

In case you hadn’t heard, I have a book coming out in a couple of months. (Yanno, the sexy, spicy contemporary romance, Conflict of Interest, by Allyson Lindt. When a gamer turned billionaire meets a woman who’s all business, passions ignite in the boardroom and bedroom.)

My time in the writer corner of the blogsphere has taught me that blog tours are a fantastic, traditional way to help get the word out about an upcoming book. But I’m not traditional, and I’m also not certain y’all want to be subjected to 50 gazillion different interviews of me saying “writing is hard work, but I persevered.”

So now that I’ve said it once, here’s what I’m thinking. I’d like to do a reverse blog tour.

But Allyson, you’re saying (or I’m imagining you saying). What’s a reverse blog tour?

Here’s how it works. For the entire month of May – weekdays at the very least, but hopefully enough of you are interested that I can fill up all the days – I’d like to host you amazing and brilliant writers on my site.

You can either choose the topic. Maybe something like

  • An author interview with you
  • I’ll interview your characters
  • A teaser snippet from your book, or a related shorty story

Or we can collaborate to come up with something that works for you and your brand.

If you have a book(s) or site you’d like me to link back to, I’ll very happily include that at the bottom of your post.

All I’d ask in return is that

  1. You promote the post
  2. You link to it somewhere kind of noticeable on your site for at least a week or two.

This is still a rough thought in progress, but for any of you who have had books come out recently, or have books coming out soon, is this something you’d be interested in? Either comment below, or email me (allyson (dot) lindt (at) gmail (dot) com) and let me know your thoughts/feelings/if you’d like to reserve a day in May, anything like that.

Any takers?