My A-Z theme for the month of April is romance and the modern, technology-driven cubicle dweller (like me).

Welcome to the very last day of the 2013 A-Z challenge. Every year has been amazing to participate, but this year was by far the best. It may also be my last.

But along the way I’ve met fantastic new people, rediscovered some old favorites (after my reader unceremoniously lost so many of them a few months back), and read some great posts. I know Friday is the day for the reflections posts, but next month I’m hosting a slew of amazing authors on my site and each day is all theirs.

So as April winds to a close, Zip-Zoom-Zam! Farewell A-Z, but I hope all those of you I’ve run into stick around, because it’s been great talking to you!

What did you think of the challenge this year?