I am very fortunate to be married to a talented artist. I mean, I’ve seen some stunning work – both digital and hand-drawn – flow from my Sweetie’s fingertips. Which is why, with any luck, this weekend I’m going to get off my ass and incorporate some of those images into my blog. I had a whole ton of ideas last night. Well, maybe not that many, but a few.

I’m thinking…new layout (duh). New header graphics. And a contest to try and get some of you to get me more followers ^_^ I don’t have anything like ARC’s to give away (well,I suppose I have one in PDF form, but that’s not quite the same), but I do have other stuff (gift cards, stationary, and all sorts of we’ll see).

So here’s to hoping I can figure all of that out…oh, and still get some writing and some work done 😀